这也算是近几次我推掉 “出门见人的机会” 的原因之一
头发长快点= =
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
之后就激起了我的好奇心,第一件要做的事当然是 “谷歌”。= =
之后就激起了我的好奇心,第一件要做的事当然是 “谷歌”。= =
Saturday, July 10, 2010
近来日子还不赖,至少没有心情不好 =D
我发现自己不是blog的料,每次都词穷不知道要写什么 = =
近来日子还不赖,至少没有心情不好 =D
我发现自己不是blog的料,每次都词穷不知道要写什么 = =
Life could get better without that complicating stuff in my mind =D
Friday, July 2, 2010
我忘记了我原本要放的标题 = =
Saturday, June 19, 2010
2 more days of holiday then I'm going to say hi to my school again zzz.
Usually a 2-week holiday is too long for me but now I hope it will never end. Coz when school reopen means that I'm getting closer to SPM. Lagi close to trial = =
Add maths project is killing me, I thought it would be easy coz I'll just need to find some info from the net and throw 100 times of dice but there are tooooooooo maaaaaaaany info on the net which make me pening kepala = = So till now I still haven't proceed to the dice-throwing part zzz.
I should start doing it earlier but instead I read story book, I watch tv, I play computer, I sleep, but not doing homework. Yea I can say my hobby is wasting time.
I should have get my time well-planned, if not I'm really like shit, from last year till now, no change at all. What to do I've got many problem other than studies.
I'm stuck in bad mood, these few days.
I don't wanna get caught anymore = =
2 more days of holiday then I'm going to say hi to my school again zzz.
Usually a 2-week holiday is too long for me but now I hope it will never end. Coz when school reopen means that I'm getting closer to SPM. Lagi close to trial = =
Add maths project is killing me, I thought it would be easy coz I'll just need to find some info from the net and throw 100 times of dice but there are tooooooooo maaaaaaaany info on the net which make me pening kepala = = So till now I still haven't proceed to the dice-throwing part zzz.
I should start doing it earlier but instead I read story book, I watch tv, I play computer, I sleep, but not doing homework. Yea I can say my hobby is wasting time.
I should have get my time well-planned, if not I'm really like shit, from last year till now, no change at all. What to do I've got many problem other than studies.
I'm stuck in bad mood, these few days.
I don't wanna get caught anymore = =

Thursday, June 17, 2010
两个星期,看起来很长,但是其实很短 = =
倒数1小时45分钟,补习 zzz
上星期六SBU一日营,日--- 二 renjer camp,四hzf outing,六VI百度幻腾,日书展。
书展看到张栋梁 = =
就好好善用这仅剩的假期做些有意义的事情吧 = =
倒数1小时45分钟,补习 zzz
上星期六SBU一日营,日--- 二 renjer camp,四hzf outing,六VI百度幻腾,日书展。
书展看到张栋梁 = =
就好好善用这仅剩的假期做些有意义的事情吧 = =
Friday, May 28, 2010
刚刚在旧的friensdster account “翻旧账”。
原来以前每个人都有friendster, 现在看回去很好笑。
原来以前每个人都有friendster, 现在看回去很好笑。
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
fake accent fake 到这个死鬼样 = =
小学生就小学生,什么primary school stuuuuudents = =
来一睹她的 “风采”
= =lll
fake accent fake 到这个死鬼样 = =
小学生就小学生,什么primary school stuuuuudents = =
来一睹她的 “风采”
= =lll
Sunday, May 9, 2010
I slept at 9, people =D
Went for competition yesterday and got nothing as I expected lol how can my less-than-a-month practices beat those who started learning calligraphy since small.
Congrats to those who got prizes.
Helped miss wong for something and behsong a teacher who showed pissed-face to us.
Spent half day at SMK Taman Connaught at first I was nervous before the comp started, felt sleepy during speeches giving time= = SMTC's chinese orchestra performance was awesome their school co-cu activities are way better than us at least they have more choices. Our school just focus on few clubs this is not what a SBT should do it's so unfair. Ini kan facts? = =
After everything ended it was raining outside and we're doing stupid stuff with the clay-like thingy while waiting for our school bus to come. Juniors nowadays never respect seniors tsk tsk tsk =P Hahaha it's funny after all.
Miss Wong belanja us ice-cream lol.
As usual, I'm the last to go back = =
I slept at 9 yesterday this is my earliest record wow = =
You can do nothing if things don't go like the way you want. Take it if you want I don't freaking care since no one appreciate what I'd been given out. Leave it broken, it's okay I'll get over it =')
Tomorrow no school wakaka.
Happy mother's day I love my mummy although I did nothing for her today. paiseh =P
Congrats to those who got prizes.
Helped miss wong for something and behsong a teacher who showed pissed-face to us.
Spent half day at SMK Taman Connaught at first I was nervous before the comp started, felt sleepy during speeches giving time= = SMTC's chinese orchestra performance was awesome their school co-cu activities are way better than us at least they have more choices. Our school just focus on few clubs this is not what a SBT should do it's so unfair. Ini kan facts? = =
After everything ended it was raining outside and we're doing stupid stuff with the clay-like thingy while waiting for our school bus to come. Juniors nowadays never respect seniors tsk tsk tsk =P Hahaha it's funny after all.
Miss Wong belanja us ice-cream lol.
As usual, I'm the last to go back = =
I slept at 9 yesterday this is my earliest record wow = =
You can do nothing if things don't go like the way you want. Take it if you want I don't freaking care since no one appreciate what I'd been given out. Leave it broken, it's okay I'll get over it =')
Tomorrow no school wakaka.
Happy mother's day I love my mummy although I did nothing for her today. paiseh =P
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
My pleasure to meet you guys
12.40 a.m.
Suddenly feel like blogging. "Stole" the internet cable from my mom. Kinda lonely and bored staying up at late night for homework (kononnya, I'm sitting in front of computer now). But everyone slept no one teman me.
Read the blog post of Jun, about primary. Every time when I read or saw something about old school time I'll be missing my 5 years of U-class life and all the crazy classmates. Lol.
My memory of primary is slowly fading. I can't remember it clearly unless someone remind me about it. Oh I'm getting old = = Seems like we're getting closer even though it's already 5 years away from now. I fell really glad to have all of them as my primary friends, we're really the unique one. Haha. That's why I cherish the time when we're together. It's hard to find friends who really give their hearts out to be friend with you.
I think I'm a lucky one, in both my primary and secondary school life.
From Fei Bong, to Happy zoo friends, and seven dwarf (lol) for this year. And my gang of course =D I'm not the kind of person who can show their love or feeling or wtv to others, I'm good in hiding my feelings. Lol. So if you see me tak kisah doesn't mean that I don't care. Ok all these can be summarised as 爱在心里口难开 = =
Feel like having another gathering~~~ Argh = =
12.56a.m. Still doing my tugasan harian (laichin, it's all about craps = =).
Good luck for the shaved ice selling tomorrow.
I need to crack my head for activities one week once.
Wow such a long post. (for me, for jing ini sap2 sui sahja)
Suddenly feel like blogging. "Stole" the internet cable from my mom. Kinda lonely and bored staying up at late night for homework (kononnya, I'm sitting in front of computer now). But everyone slept no one teman me.
Read the blog post of Jun, about primary. Every time when I read or saw something about old school time I'll be missing my 5 years of U-class life and all the crazy classmates. Lol.
My memory of primary is slowly fading. I can't remember it clearly unless someone remind me about it. Oh I'm getting old = = Seems like we're getting closer even though it's already 5 years away from now. I fell really glad to have all of them as my primary friends, we're really the unique one. Haha. That's why I cherish the time when we're together. It's hard to find friends who really give their hearts out to be friend with you.
I think I'm a lucky one, in both my primary and secondary school life.
From Fei Bong, to Happy zoo friends, and seven dwarf (lol) for this year. And my gang of course =D I'm not the kind of person who can show their love or feeling or wtv to others, I'm good in hiding my feelings. Lol. So if you see me tak kisah doesn't mean that I don't care. Ok all these can be summarised as 爱在心里口难开 = =
Feel like having another gathering~~~ Argh = =
12.56a.m. Still doing my tugasan harian (laichin, it's all about craps = =).
Good luck for the shaved ice selling tomorrow.
I need to crack my head for activities one week once.
Wow such a long post. (for me, for jing ini sap2 sui sahja)
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Tomoro is school day T.T
Sungha Jung people go google him!
I think I can't reach his level unless I practise guitar everyday = =
I like this the most:
And one thing sabians are all crazy. We were like orang gile cannot duduk baik baik to eat but keep laughing and talking loudly = = lol. Anyway, it's fun = =
Homework time.
I think I can't reach his level unless I practise guitar everyday = =
I like this the most:
And one thing sabians are all crazy. We were like orang gile cannot duduk baik baik to eat but keep laughing and talking loudly = = lol. Anyway, it's fun = =
Homework time.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Life's to be continued
So this is the ending for everything?
Leaving scars which can't be removed forever.
I just realised that I didn't really get involved in the thing directly. From the start I was just an audience, watching, got shocked and angry because of the climax of the story(?) and suddenly someone pull (or push? = =) me to the stage and I became one of the kelefehs in the drama.
And here comes the peleraian of it. Bye bye.
Kena burnt by my own anger kaokao few days ago.
As Jing said i always pile up my homework that's why I always have to stay up to finish them. Actually I'm more hardworking than last year but when compared to others in my class I'm a lazy one = = Since dunno-when my weekends are all filled with events and outing I've no time to rest. Serious shit I need to get enough sleep my immune system is collapsing. Sleep less than 5 hours everyday. Maybe I'll not be getting kehadiran 100% this year = =
I hate doing tugasan harian it's really useless I do it only for my SPM. 2 more to go, ngo yan.
Midterm is approaching wow my sejarah and physics.
11.30 p.m. Sleepy = =
But I think I'll go to bed two hours later. = =lll
Leaving scars which can't be removed forever.
I just realised that I didn't really get involved in the thing directly. From the start I was just an audience, watching, got shocked and angry because of the climax of the story(?) and suddenly someone pull (or push? = =) me to the stage and I became one of the kelefehs in the drama.
And here comes the peleraian of it. Bye bye.
Kena burnt by my own anger kaokao few days ago.
As Jing said i always pile up my homework that's why I always have to stay up to finish them. Actually I'm more hardworking than last year but when compared to others in my class I'm a lazy one = = Since dunno-when my weekends are all filled with events and outing I've no time to rest. Serious shit I need to get enough sleep my immune system is collapsing. Sleep less than 5 hours everyday. Maybe I'll not be getting kehadiran 100% this year = =
I hate doing tugasan harian it's really useless I do it only for my SPM. 2 more to go, ngo yan.
Midterm is approaching wow my sejarah and physics.
11.30 p.m. Sleepy = =
But I think I'll go to bed two hours later. = =lll
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Homework x.x
I wonder why my homework is like forever un-finish-able I'm really tired of it = =
And I dunno when I can get enough sleep I sleep less than 5 hours everyday.
Have to start working hard in studies but all the koko stuff really make me dying x.x
Kinda stressful all this while.
Maybe I worried too much maybe I just need to take things easy = =
Today's activity was a failure, I didn't do my job well I think.
Put quite much effort on this and didn't get what I'd expected suan le ba.
Where and what's the problem?
I hope our attendance will get better after all those sukan and drama competition stuff ended.
Exhausted. Laughing can't cure anymore t.t
And I dunno when I can get enough sleep I sleep less than 5 hours everyday.
Have to start working hard in studies but all the koko stuff really make me dying x.x
Kinda stressful all this while.
Maybe I worried too much maybe I just need to take things easy = =
Today's activity was a failure, I didn't do my job well I think.
Put quite much effort on this and didn't get what I'd expected suan le ba.
Where and what's the problem?
I hope our attendance will get better after all those sukan and drama competition stuff ended.
Exhausted. Laughing can't cure anymore t.t
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Sports Day + movie
Last sports day in my life.
The first and the last time of sports day in Bukit Jalil it wasn't that special like expected but still better than previous one, I like the bendera warna-warni xD
Spend almost the whole day with friends it was really happy eventhough something unhappy happened but luckily it's over~
Went pavilion for movie, clash of the titans.
Rushed like hell super tired now feel like sleeping.
I wonder why we need to do brochure for PJ = =
Last sports day in my life.
The first and the last time of sports day in Bukit Jalil it wasn't that special like expected but still better than previous one, I like the bendera warna-warni xD
Spend almost the whole day with friends it was really happy eventhough something unhappy happened but luckily it's over~
Went pavilion for movie, clash of the titans.
Rushed like hell super tired now feel like sleeping.
I wonder why we need to do brochure for PJ = =
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I'd rather choose to stay in front of computer and hang myself on facebook instead of getting myself involved in so many dramas. I wonder why world can be twisted until it jadi macam ini and y things cant just go in their simplest ways. Human themselves who made it so complicated.
Monday, March 29, 2010
I hate Monday, and thursday as well
Last Sat merentas desa muahaha i got 29. Top 50, for the first time lol.
Earth hour outing, my first night-outing and it was awesome i miss the lame jokes, toilet bowls and time tunnel miss it when looking at the dimmed-KLCC from far hahaha.
But then everything got back to normal after that. Tonnes of homework argh.
Rushing for a chinese essay for competition just write it in simple way.
Learning to let go of something that's not meant to be in your life.
Friends are not clowns. You need not to do anything to make your friends happy, if they are real friends.
What a super random post needa go bac to my homework again bye.
Earth hour outing, my first night-outing and it was awesome i miss the lame jokes, toilet bowls and time tunnel miss it when looking at the dimmed-KLCC from far hahaha.
But then everything got back to normal after that. Tonnes of homework argh.
Rushing for a chinese essay for competition just write it in simple way.
Learning to let go of something that's not meant to be in your life.
Friends are not clowns. You need not to do anything to make your friends happy, if they are real friends.
What a super random post needa go bac to my homework again bye.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tomoro is the day
Maybe the results ain't that important if we really tried our best.
Just make it no regrets people.
Just make it no regrets people.
Monday, March 15, 2010
大家现在都在cinder家我孤单单一个人坐在电脑前面 = =
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Ignore the title coz it's not related to this post = =
Everyone is having a hectic F5 life but my class is so goddamn relaxing.
Typical 放牛班.
I wish i could halau all the kononnya VIPs who want to visit our school.
Everyone is having a hectic F5 life but my class is so goddamn relaxing.
Typical 放牛班.
I wish i could halau all the kononnya VIPs who want to visit our school.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Today is Sunday Tomorrow is Monday
TGI's Friday = Thank god it's Friday
OSIM = Oh shit it's Monday
ha. ha. ha.
Sekarang sudah pukul 11.18 p.m and I hvn't take bath.
Ok I'm still the go-to-school-without-finishing-my-homework kid.
Only two sentences are written on the 2nd pg of my bio note:
1.1 The Importance of Having a Transport System in some Multicellular Organisms
Bye bye.
My English sucks.
OSIM = Oh shit it's Monday
ha. ha. ha.
Sekarang sudah pukul 11.18 p.m and I hvn't take bath.
Ok I'm still the go-to-school-without-finishing-my-homework kid.
Only two sentences are written on the 2nd pg of my bio note:
1.1 The Importance of Having a Transport System in some Multicellular Organisms
Bye bye.
My English sucks.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
School days
Say bye bye to the first week of school in 2010.
I think I'm still dreaming or sleeping or wateva coz I'm not in the mood to study at all. Slap.
Homework ada banyak-banyak dalam beg saya but I didn't even touch.
Ok I must get enough sleep I dun wanna sleep when teacher's teaching!!
Kawad practise starts next Monday got tuition some more it'll be more teruk when co-cu started.
Wake up la weh I cant be so blur anymore.
Must be mentally tabah hahaha.
Btw I still dunno what's the point of pinning our fringe up.
Bye bye.
I think I'm still dreaming or sleeping or wateva coz I'm not in the mood to study at all. Slap.
Homework ada banyak-banyak dalam beg saya but I didn't even touch.
Ok I must get enough sleep I dun wanna sleep when teacher's teaching!!
Kawad practise starts next Monday got tuition some more it'll be more teruk when co-cu started.
Wake up la weh I cant be so blur anymore.
Must be mentally tabah hahaha.
Btw I still dunno what's the point of pinning our fringe up.
Bye bye.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Harlo long time no see.
Happy 2010.
No blogging mood so blog ini dah lama diabandon and maybe it'll be abandoned selama-lamanya.
Tmr is the first day of school gotta finish all the dunno-what-for homework this is the first time in my life i got hw for my year end holiday just don't feel like touching it.
Busy 2010 gonna start tmr hope that I wont be lazy like 2009 ahhh dunno what class and what teacher I'll get.
I hope our p_ng_t_a w_ll b_ t_an_f_re_ t_ a_ot_e_ s_h_ _l.
Fill in the blanks.
Avatar is so darn nice.
Nsqkl camp is so memorable.
Primary school frens r so lovable.
Bye bye my sleep-at-2-and-wake-at-12 days.
Here I come s.a.b 5 xxxx Pn.XXXXX Pn.XXXXX Pn.XXXXX Cik.XXXXX En.XXXXX.
SPM x.x
Happy 2010.
No blogging mood so blog ini dah lama diabandon and maybe it'll be abandoned selama-lamanya.
Tmr is the first day of school gotta finish all the dunno-what-for homework this is the first time in my life i got hw for my year end holiday just don't feel like touching it.
Busy 2010 gonna start tmr hope that I wont be lazy like 2009 ahhh dunno what class and what teacher I'll get.
I hope our p_ng_t_a w_ll b_ t_an_f_re_ t_ a_ot_e_ s_h_ _l.
Fill in the blanks.
Avatar is so darn nice.
Nsqkl camp is so memorable.
Primary school frens r so lovable.
Bye bye my sleep-at-2-and-wake-at-12 days.
Here I come s.a.b 5 xxxx Pn.XXXXX Pn.XXXXX Pn.XXXXX Cik.XXXXX En.XXXXX.
SPM x.x
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