Tuesday, December 31, 2013


So here come the last day of 2013. I am spending this new year eve with books and my laptop, working on some reports that I am not sure if they are necessary to be done. 

2013 has been a year of changes, of getting out of comfort zone, of achieving something that I've always hoped to reach for, of tasting a little drop of heaven.

Let's start from beginning of the year. I had no new year resolutions for 2013 since setting goals is something that I don't usually do. I was quite persistent about getting a job in Starbucks coffee company and hell yea I got one and worked there for almost 8 months as a full time barista. To be honest, I didn't really fully enjoy what I was doing but I gained a lot of experiences which, now I think back, is something worth suffering for. I find myself missing the challenges and admiring my courage to overcome them despite the constant thought of giving up, after I quit the job for a few months. 

So, getting STPM results is another super important part of 2013. I remember that I thought I did quite badly during the papers, and I seriously had no expectation for my results, I just hoped that it's high enough for me to get my desired course and tadahhh it turned out to be above X.XX and I was very happy for myself. It's not considered good but an average one although I worked quite hard for it. Of course not as hard as many people out there, I think it somehow reflects the effort that I put in the exam. Never a diligent person, I had already pushed myself off the limit trying to study like mad every single day for don't know how many months. So yea with the results, gratefully and happily, I went through 2 important interviews in my life, and this leads to another important chapter of 2013.

That was certainly not the first time I went through important interviews and I am quite confident with my own set of soft skills, so it was never a huge fear having to sit in front of people and talk. I took a flight to Kelantan with my mom for one of the interviews, and another one was at the place where I'm studying now. I am lucky enough to get shortlisted for the interviews by the only 2 universities that offer the course that I wanted. What's even better is I got a place in both uni yo. One of them was really a tough one and I am really grateful that they see me as an eligible candidate to study this course despite that I crapped so much during the interview haha. 

Next thing you know, I quite my job started my uni life, which is not a smooth and easy but challenging one. So it will be my final exam 2 days later. I promise myself to do well in exam!!!

I really wanna thank my family, especially my mom for going through all the troubles and worrying (I hope she did LOL) about me and my future, saving me from my shitty hostel life. I would never be at where I am today without their help. Thank you my friends for being the joy of my life when I'm unhappy. Btw my 20th birthday was really a great one with you guys hohoho.

Another few hours to 2014! Looking forward for a loving, nice, challenging and fruitful 2014.

Monday, April 1, 2013









这些都是我的选择,我并没有在投诉。虽然有点累,可是还是会再撑几个月。薪水方面还过得去,不算多,但是以一个学生暂时打工来说,算不错了,而且我的花费不大,吃得都是家里的 = = 而且钱都存来交一部分学费,和买笔电。好的是,我找到一个新的兴趣。希望能够在这方面有所进步,学会更多。可惜没机会遇到高人呀,不然可以讨教讨教。




说一说我近来的人际关系。工作的地方都是友族同胞。好友有一两位啦,都喜欢一起闲聊闲逛。可是好像都是我在听他们说话,我都是静静的。一来是因为我马来文的表达能力像大便,二来是有时候我尝试聊,可是她们都好像对我说的东西没啥兴趣 = = 有点像是不同世界的人啦。我都在迁就着啦,没啥,小事。至少我都得到同事的认同,没有受排挤什么的哈哈哈哈。可是那位有日本血统的朋友和我还不错,比较合得来,可能是因为背景比较相似吧。


我觉得我变了。我现在没有以前这么善良 = = 
有时做好人会让人欺负。如果你遇到好心人的话就是好事啦,可是恶人不会珍惜你的好。自私了点,险恶了点,骄傲了点。对于这样的改变,没什么感觉,都是为了生活。至于我的本质,应该还在吧 = =








Monday, January 28, 2013


我现在当务之急可能是搞好我国文的听力和表达能力 = =

